Our secret is out, and here’s why.
Our rethought, redesigned and redeveloped saddle tree
Watch our comparison video below
The saddle tree, exposed
For over four years we have been developing a much more humane saddle tree. We wanted to redevelop this major component to be better in every sense. For the rider, and for the horse.
The Difference
Traditional english wood-spring trees are incredibly uncomfortable for the horse, so much so, it’s concerning to see these on horseback. The weight and pressure of even the smallest riders are concentrated into three small sharp points. This is something we wanted to totally rethink and avoid when designing our saddles.
Anatomical & Adjustable
Straight off the rack, they’re drastically more comfortable for you and your horse. This is due to its soft curves, new materials and lack of sharp edges. They can also be adjusted on-site, so no more long waits between adjustments.
Why use an anatomically designed tree?
The advantages of our trees
On-site Adjustability
Lightweight Materials
Balanced Weight Distribution
Enhanced Feedback
Increased comfort
A kinder way to ride